Humans are not meant to be created for Earth — 5 Reasons Why ?

Mirza Anees Baig Barlas
3 min readOct 27, 2019


As we see our home planet earth it is true that we don't seems to find comfort here and we humans are constantly struggling for peace and comfort and are willing to pay whatever the price is for it.

According to a book by Dr. Ellis Silver in which it is stated and given theories that at first humans were not designed to be sent to earth.

It is already believed in Islam and Christianity that Adam and Eve were abandoned from heaven and were sent to earth, but Dr. Ellis gives scientific reasoning behind all this and proved it by scientific theories and reasoning that humans were not originated from earth.

It is stated in the book that who knows that earth was some kind of a prison in space and humans were sent there just for some type of crime that they did on their planet or space where they were created for.

The reasons that she have provided are as follows:

We walk differently

In the book it is clearly mentioned that all the all the other animals and beings on earth are happy with the way that they are. They are all happy with the low central gravity but humans are not, humans unlike other animals use only two legs to walk and move unlike other beings which likes to either walk on four legs or crawl.

We are too advanced

Unlike all other creatures we are not happy with the way that we are we are working in every field and we are always advancing like in living and in technology. We are so far ahead of very other animal. Humans are too advanced that they invent things there is no other animal who do invent things. We have too many languages. We do all the things entirely different than all other beings. This made us question that why are we so different from the natural world ? Is this not the Natural World where we belong ?

There is a possibility that we might have come from a planet where all other species were comparatively advanced from us and this could be a reason why we left from there to rule somewhere else.

We are too advanced that we invented to many things and if see other species they have invented none.

We cannot sleep

Humans circadian rhythm (A circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours.) is out of whack with the actual day/night cycle on earth.

Dr. Ellis uses the argument that humans circadian cycle is 25 hours cycle meaning that it makes more sense that we should have evolved on a planet with 25 hour cycle.

We don't like it here

All other species are fine with the way that they are they adapts to the environment but we are never satisfied we are constantly working on making our earth a better place to live on. We have altered the planet to fit us rather than adapting the environment.

There is a possibility that it is because we are not suited to be living in earth 's natural habitat. We are constantly just altering the nature and we are continuously altering our environment. Many animals have built-in sensors that help them reading the upcoming danger like earthquakes, tsunamis etc but we are so terribly bad at it that we had to build special machines for it. All other species have the ability to protect themselves from changing weather and temperature but it s hard for us if weather is changed we do not adapt climate change like other species on earth.

We don't even have the ability to eat most of the food without altering it we cook it or boil it we cook it in any way to make it tasty and then eat it. Whereas all other animals are just fine with eating uncooked food like they eat grass and even dead animals.

Increasing Over Population

Unlike other species humans are comparatively increasing fast. While there are a few species that are decreasing rapidly and there is even a chance that they will totally vanish.

